Don't Leave Your Fiat Job | #toxictalk #bitcoin #fiat, #btc #proofofwork


Bitcoin Tips:

My Alby lightning Invoice

- If you find value in this article please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work, If you find value in this article please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

TimeChain Codex - Book Two #Bitcoin #astronomy #history #humanity #money #math


If you find value in this article please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below

Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

Bitcoin VS Crypto Scams | #toxictalk #bitcoin #BTC


Bitcoin Tips:

My Alby lightning Invoice

- If you find value in this article please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work, If you find value in this article please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

What is Bitcoin?


Why Bitcoin Mining Is Good For The Environment And Why It Needs To Project Much More Power To Burn Fiat Wastes

  For the past couple years there have been no shortages of false narratives and propagandized news articles and youtube videos against the Bitcoin process of securing itself. This is called "Mining" by some but is simply computers around the world protecting peoples money by preventing bad actors from stealing from them.

   It is important to look at Bitcoin mining more as the security of every individuals money on the network, so asking them to apologize for the energy use is like asking them to allow attackers to steal their money. And it is also crucial to understand that the level of energy required to secure the Bitcoin network would not be so high if they were not an ever growing amounts of attacks against its security. So Bitcoin security level or Hash Rate can be viewed as a counterattack of defense instead of an offense, because Bitcoin is just fighting for its survival in a world full of poisonous snakes.

  Bitcoin Tips:
My Alby lightning Invoice

 Apparently, to some this is a very bad idea, allowing plebs(hard working individuals) to secure their life blood saving energy into something that cannot be debased or steal from them. But those same people are proposing proof of stake(More Stake More Power) as an alternative system to them regardless of all the harms this similar type and current PoS system has and currently causing to the planet, the environment and humanity as a whole.

First of all, Let's see how Bitcoin mining is doing good to the environment and our planet

  It is universal knowledge that we live in a finite planet 12,756 km of diameter and 5.97x10^24 kg of limited mass, therefore we cannot indefinitely expend on it. When central banks are printing unlimited amount of money to stimulate ever growing consuming economies they assume that we can grow forever on a finite planet. This is why we are fulling up our landfills to the max with all sorts of useless products, and also this is why most people are obese(expansion in our body). They want us to spend to support an inefficient economy that is destroying the planet. While they don't seem to realize that, and they are attacking Bitcoin which is the cure to the inflation disease they created in the first place. So by starving the fiat (inflationary) system Bitcoin is ultimately curing the planet and the environment. Because Bitcoin is the opposite of the inflationary system and it incentivizes saving and protection instead of spending and destruction, so no wars like: trade wars, currency wars, world wars, ..

 Many of those fiat excrements out there are too fiat blind to see the net positive benefit of Bitcoin to the environment and the planet and are not sober enough to see how harmful fiat is to the planet. Well, yes most of these energy Bitcoin uses will be harmful Methane gas from landfill generated by over consumed economies stimulated by fiat monies. So Bitcoin is not the cause of the issue here but the fix to the issue itself. Same thing is happening in the oil and gas industry that has an history of being massively subsidized by governments, but now Bitcoin security is paying them to take the gas that would have gone flaring/venting into the atmosphere.

   And most importantly, Bitcoin incentivizes efficient energy production on the energy market, which is great for humanity's prosperity and advancement. So in a Bitcoin standard energy will be cheaper and humanity will be more efficient. Remember, energy is all around us and all above us it's only a matter of finding the best strategy to extract it. 

 Second, let's look at why Bitcoin security needs to consume more energy to project a lot more power

   Bitcoin needs to consume much more energy so it can challenge inefficiencies on the market in other words to bankrupt the zombies and cleanup the messes. Expectably, we will see attackers coming against Bitcoin security from many different angles with all sorts of attack vectors like the mainstream propaganda machine, powerful/influential individuals like Elon Musk, Powerful Organizations, Central Bankers, Proof of stake crypto project leaders or crypto central bankers and more. They see Bitcoin as a threat because it prohibits anyone to steal to become richer and richer to the expense of the plebs(the hard working individuals).   The fiat scam system did a great job in creating a lot of multi-billionaires throughout its lifetime, in fact, the top one percenters own more wealth than the bottom 99 percent. So these people are extremely rich and they can afford to launch any expensive attacks against Bitcoin security(The plebs money) for that same reason we need the Bitcoin hash rate to go close to infinity. Because the higher the hash rate the less they can cheat and the more they are forced to show proof of work like the honest plebs do everyday they go to work. 


Ledn Will Freez Your Bitcoin Too, Ignore Influencial Bitcoiners, Any Cefi/Defi Can Freez Your Bitcoin #ToxicTalk


Any Cefi/Defi Can Freez Your Bitcoin #ToxicTalk

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Muun wallet won't work, but Bleu or Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

Thank you for supporting my work! You can donate some satoshis by using your lightning wallet in the steps below.

Value4Value Or use this Bitcoin Tips link:

My Alby lightning Invoice

How I Warm a house With a Bitcoin Miner While protecting Everybody's Money

If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

To Donate 

Asking Local Farmers Would you take Bitcoin (my sats) for payment? Short #bitcoin


If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

How To Setup Your Own Bitcoin Node - Plug And Play - Raspberry Pi 4 Step By Step #BTC #node


Article Version of How to setup your own Bitcoin Node:

Bitcoin Tips:

My Alby lightning Invoice

If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

Price Is Noise - #ToxicTalk #bitcoin #DCA @Block Times 755,543

Price Is Noise - #ToxicTalk #bitcoin #DCA @Block Times 755,543 If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

How The Bitcoin TimeChain Links The Digital Realm to the Physical Realm @BlockTime 754,841 #Bitcoin #BTC


754,841 #Bitcoin #BTC

If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work,

How To Buy $Bitcoin In a Bitcoin ATM From The Corner Store

This is a quick and simple way to buy #Bitcoin at Your Local corner Store From a Bitcoin ATM


Bitcoin Tips:

My Alby lightning Invoice

If you find value in this please support my work by lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work, I appreciate it!

Easiest way to buy bitcoin freely as it's nobody else business - To protect your privacy


RoboSats is an easy way to privately exchange Bitcoin for national currencies using Tor browser. It simplifies the peer-to-peer experience and uses lightning hold invoices to minimize custody and trust requirements. Bitcoin Tips:

My Alby lightning Invoice

If you find value in this post please come back lightning tip me a few sats using this lovely pink button below
Muun wallet won't work, but Phoenix wallet or other wallets should work, I appreciate it!

To start using RoboSats you only need a Lightning Wallet and a TOR enabled browser.

Ready? Let's Go


  1.  Get a Lightning Wallet: Muun wallet or Phoenix wallet or Bleu wallet or Breez or else
  2.  Install Tor Browser:
  3. Access RoboSats: Just search for robosats on tor or use this referral link: http://robosats6tkf3eva7x2voqso3a5wcorsnw34jveyxfqi2fu7oyheasid.onion/ref/CWz8Xkwzenc

The process is pretty straightforward, but I will still suggest to start with a very small amount you can afford to lose.

This document has two complete walkthroughs: 

1) as a buyer that takes an order and; 

2) as a seller that makes an order

RoboSats help users preserve their privacy by using newly generated avatars in every trade. Avatars are super easy and very cool to generate!

The robot is deterministically generated based on the token you see below it. This token is all you need to recover the avatar in the future, so make sure to back it up safely! It is best to write it down in paper… but that’s a lot of work!! Most often it is good enough to simply copy it to clipboard and save it somewhere else. If your browser crashes, your phone battery dies, or you lose connection during trading, you will need the token to log in again and continue with the trade!

Recovering a robotPermalink To recover a backed-up token, simply replace the token in the textbox and tap “Generate Robot”. The site will greet you with “We found your Robot avatar. Welcome back!”

TradePermalink In RoboSats you can make new orders or take orders made by others. To be an order maker simply click on “Create Order” in the homepage. To take an order, click on “View Book” so you can explore the orders created by other robots.

Exploring the Order BookPermalink We click on “View book” and have a look at the orders in the book page.

On a desktop browser, you can see at a glance all of the relevant information about the orders so you can decide which one to take. By default, the book will show “ANY” type of order (buy and sell) and “ANY” currency. Use the drop down menus at the top to select your preferences.

On a smartphone, however, not all of the columns fit on the screen. The nicknames, the type of order, the payment method and the exchange rate are hidden by default. You can tap on any column and tap “Show columns” to select what columns to make visible.

Every order has an expiration counter. By default, in RoboSats v0.1.0 new orders will stay public in the book for 24 hours.

Walkthrough-1: Taking an order as a buyerPermalink When you are decided for an order to take simply tap the “Take Order” button. You will see the contract box. Follow the contract box indications until you complete the trade! :)

First thing is to lock a small fidelity bond (just 3% of the trade amount by default), so the seller knows you can be trusted. The satoshis in this bond will just freeze in your wallet. If you try to cheat or cancel unilaterally, you will lose the satoshis locked in the bond.

Scan or copy the invoice into your lightning wallet. It might show as a payment that is on transit, freeze or even seemingly break your wallet. You should always check on the RoboSats website whether the bond has been locked (your wallet will probably not tell you! Check wallet compatibility list)

As soon as our bond is locked, RoboSats will ask you to provide a lightning invoice to send you the satoshis. Generate an invoice with the exact amount in your lightning wallet and submit it.

While you are submitting your payout invoice, the seller is asked to lock the trade escrow hold invoice. If you are faster than him, you would have to wait. Otherwise, you would already be able to chat with him.

There is a time limit of 3 hours to submit the invoice (buyer) and lock the trade escrow (seller). If the time runs out, the order will expire and the robot who did not follow with the contract obligations will lose the bond. This is a mechanism that helps prevent fake order spamming, wasting time of counterparts and DDOSing the order book.

As soon as the seller locks the satoshis, it is safe to send the fiat currency! As a buyer, you will have to ask the seller for the details to send fiat. Only share the strictly needed information about yourself to not compromise your privacy. Remember, in RoboSats v0.1.0 this chat is memoryless, so the conversation will be lost if you refresh the browser.

There is a time limit of 24 hours to complete the fiat exchange. If the time runs out, the order will expire and a dispute will be opened automatically. To avoid order expiration, use always instant fiat payment methods. For example, sending cash by ordinary mail is slow and will always trigger a dispute in v0.1.0. In the future longer expiry times will be possible.

As soon as you have sent the fiat, you should tap on “Confirm fiat sent” button. After that, the seller will have to confirm the fiat was received. As soon as he confirms the trade is finished and you will be paid out to your lightning wallet. You might see that it is “sending satoshis to buyer” but usually it is so fast you will simply see this screen. Enjoy your sats!

Rating the platform and leaving tips for improvement in our Telegram group or Github Issues is super appreciated!

Walkthrough-2: Making an order as a sellerPermalink It might happen that there are no active orders for the positioning and currency you want. In this case, there is no orders to SELL bitcoin for GBP.

We can create the order exactly has we want it. But mind that you need to publish an order that others want to take too!

In the maker page you are only required to enter the currency, order type (buy/sell) and amount. However, it is best practice to specify the payment methods you allow. It might be also helpful to set a premium/discount for your order to be taken faster. Remember that as a seller you can incentivze buyers to take your order by lowering the premium. If there are too many buyers, however, you can increase the premium to have a trading profit. Alternatively, you can set a fixed amount of Satoshis.

Limits: in Robosats v0.1.0 an order cannot be smaller than 20,000 Satoshis. It cannot be larger than 4,000,000 Satoshis in order to avoid lightning routing failures. This limit will be increased in the future.

You have to copy or scan the invoice with your lightning wallet in order to lock your fidelity maker bond (just 1% of the trade amount)). By locking this bond, the takers know you can be trusted and are committed to follow with this trade. In your wallet it might show as a payment that is on transit, freeze or even seemingly break your wallet. You should always check on the RoboSats website whether the bond has been locked (your wallet will probably not tell you! Check wallet compatibility list)

Your order will be public for 24 hours. You can check the time left to expiration by checking the “Order” tab. It can be canceled at any time without penalty before it is taken by another robot. Keep the contract tab open to be notified with this sound. It might be best to do this on a desktop computer and turn on the volume, so you do not miss when your order is taken. It might take long! Maybe you even forget! You can also enable telegram notifications by pressing “Enable Telegram Notification” and then pressing “Start” in the chat. You will receive a welcome message as confirmation of the enabled notifications. Another message will be sent once a taker for your order is found.

Note: If you forget your order and a robot takes it and locks his fidelity bond, you risk losing your own fidelity bond by not fulfilling the next contract steps.

In the contract tab you can also see how many other orders are public for the same currency. You can also see how well does your premium ranks among all other orders for the same currency.

Hurray, someone took the order! They have 4 minutes to lock a taker fidelity bond, if they do not proceed, your order will be made public again automatically.

As soon as the taker locks the bond, you will have to lock the trade escrow. This is a lightning hold invoice and will also freeze in your wallet. It will be released only when you confirm you received the fiat payment or if there is a dispute between you and the taker.

Once you lock the trade escrow and the buyer submit the payout invoice it is safe to send fiat! Share with the buyer the minimal information needed to send you fiat. Remember, in RoboSats v0.1.0 this chat is memoryless, so the conversation will be lost if you refresh the browser.

The buyer has just confirmed he did his part! Now check until the fiat is in your account.

By confirming that you received the fiat, the escrow will be charged and sent to the buyer. So only do this once you are 100% sure the fiat is with you!

All done!! :D

Collaborative cancellationPermalink After the trade escrow has been posted and before the buyer confirms he sent the fiat it is possible to cancel the order. It might just happen that you both do not have a common way to send and receive fiat after all. You can agree to tap on the “Collaborative cancel” button. After the “Fiat sent” button is pressed by the buyer, the only way to cancel an order is by opening a dispute and involving the staff.

This is totally not recommended, one of the two traders would lose his fidelity bond except in exceptional cases (up to the discretion of the staff)

In Conclusion, Robosats is an amazing platform to stack sats KYC free and it is a good step away from financial surveillance. This was a good detailed explanation in written but I to watch a couple video tutorials as well. Thank you!

A world full of crazy rats working for fiat overlords


      It's Friday after a long week of hard work, I fall on this old video song by Madonna - called "Ray Of Light". I have no idea what she is saying in the song but the images remind me of something that I have been thinking of for years now, something that I could never explain to a five-year-old at a straight face. 

     The video starts with the beautiful sun rising in the sky while she has to rush on getting ready for work, you see everybody running like crazy ants to get on the cars, trains, busses, airplanes, taxies to go do some sorts of activity to generate income which is a must if you want to survive in this world, meanwhile I saw two dogs sit back relaxing, They must be thinking the same thing as I am "These people are really crazy, working for fiat fake money".  She showed the time clock running so fast people are running out of time to even take their time to sit and eat properly, the rat has to keep on running with no ending sight with fake hope of getting out one day, the cycle repeats over and over again, and the tragedy of it all is that no one is noticing that this is a fake set-up made up by a small group of overlords controlling the supply of the money.                                            

   But what is the solution? Or what is a real way to skip this trap? Well the solution may never be in the same fiat "fake money" setup everyone is running for, but in a money that is outside the system "Bitcoin". Bitcoin is the only money they cannot print more of no matter how are hard they try. The Bitcoin supply is maxed at 21 Million till the end of times, you need a lot of work and energy to mine it in thime which makes it absolute scarcity. Bitcoin is as scarce as our limited time on earth. If you plan on spending a lifetime rate racing at least convert some of that income into something as scarce as your life time "bitcoin".

   But should you stop working and just move everything to Bitcoin and call it a day? No, in my opinion you should keep on providing good value to society, keep doing what you do but even better now since you are working to convert your saving in perfect money, and you should upgrade your skills if you can to stack more Sats(bitcoins). The more you accumulate Sats(bitcoin) the closer you are to your freedom, because Bitcoin is the freedom money.

If you find value in this post please feel free to show me some value back by supporting me using lightning to tip me few sats at: or go to bitcoin-lightning tip me few Sats

    In conclusion, I could be completely misinterpreting the song and I am sorry if I do but I was glad to find a visual way to explain my observation of this tragedy that we are all experiencing. But fortunately enough to every problem there is a solution thus "Thank you Satoshi for Bitcoin!"

How To Run Your Own Lightning Node

 There are a lot of advantages of running your own lightning node such as: better privacy, generating your own lightning invoices for your business, run a BTCPay server, earning few sats in fees, using your lightning address to post on platform like Y'alls(,, and so much more.
The Video Version: On Youtube

Step 1. First we are going to use Umbrel( to install our bitcoin full node, but to do so here is the list of everything(devices) we need:

1. Raspberry Pi 4

💡 All 2 GB, 4 GB and 8 GB RAM variants work with Umbrel. If you're

confused, pick 8 GB RAM for maximum performance. 

 2. Storage Drive 💡 Pick a large enough SSD (or HDD) for your use case. For eg.

if you want to run a Bitcoin node, 1 TB or more is recommended. 

 3. Storage Drive's Enclosure 💡 To connect the storage drive to the Raspberry Pi via USB. 16GB+ microSD 💡 The microSD card is only used for running Umbrel OS. All of your

apps and data is stored on the storage drive. 

 4. Power Supply 💡 Make sure to use the official Raspberry Pi power supply to

prevent any unexpected issues.

5. Ethernet Cable 💡 To connect the Raspberry Pi to your internet router. Case 💡 Wrap your new personal server in a nice box. :) 

Step 2. Download Umbrel OS.

Download Umbrel OS for Raspberry Pi on your computer. Link:

Step 3. Download Balena Etcher. Download and install Balena Etcher on your computer. It is required to flash the Umbrel OS file that you downloaded in the previous step onto the microSD card. Download Balena Etcher:

Step 4. Plug the microSD card in your computer. You might need a card-reader if your computer doesn’t have one. 

Step 5. Flash Umbrel OS.
Open Balena Etcher and flash the downloaded Umbrel OS zip file on the microSD card.

Step 6. Insert the microSD card in the Pi.
After the flash is successful, remove the microSD card from your computer and insert it in the Raspberry Pi.

Step 7. Connect the SSD.
Put the SSD in its enclosure, and plug it into any of the two USB 3.0 ports
(blue colored) on the Raspberry Pi.
👉 Any existing data on the SSD will automatically be deleted when you turn on the Raspberry Pi.

Step 8. Connect to your router.
Connect one end of the ethernet cable to the Raspberry Pi and the other

end to any vacant port on your internet router.

Step 9. Power up. Connect the power supply to the Raspberry Pi to turn it on.

Step 10. Login After 5 minutes, your Umbrel will be accessible at http://umbrel.local on

any device that’s connected to the same network as the Raspberry Pi.

Assuming you successfully login to Umbrel, it will take a few weeks
to fully sync your Bitcoin core node but once done you will be able to
access your lightning node LND or Lightning Core by simply install the
apps from Umbrel app store and start opening channels.

  Conclusion, this was a quick way to plug and play your lightning node but
there are many other ways one can run a node. Umbrel is one of the simplest
ways but you can definitely use other interfaces like Mynode, NODL and many
others or you can even build your own from scratch if you are that ambitious. 
there are many other ways one can run a node. Umbrel is one of the simplest
ways but you can definitely use other interfaces like Mynode, NODL and many
others or you can even build your own from scratch if you are that ambitious. 
There are many other ways one can run a node. Umbrel is one of the simplest
ways but you can definitely use other interfaces like Mynode, NODL and many
others or you can even build your own from scratch if you are that ambitious. 
  I hope I did a great job laying down these strategies for you, If you have much
more knowledge on how to run a node and you would love to share with us
please do so in the comment section below. And also don't forget to give some
Sats tip somewhere on top of the post . Thank you, Good luck on
your node set-up!

How to get rekt investing unsafely in Cryptocurrencies

  New to Bitcoin/Crypto? As a Newbie, when I first got into Bitcoin I thought it was about outsmarting the market and getting rich quick on ''promising'' crypto projects. After properly get rekt I quickly learned my lesson and realized that this was never the way to go and that Bitcoin is the only thing that matters. Unfortunately I am not the only one who is going to get stuck with this interesting story to tell, so I am writing this article to minimize the pain for future newcomers who want to avoid these expensive mistakes and learn from them. At the end of this article I plan on revealing the most effective strategy to accumulate bitcoin. So it’s probably a good idea to read till the end. 

First we are going to look at the fantastic ways you can get rekt

   1. Investing in crypto projects known as altcoins
to get more Bitcoin

   Bitcoin is the only time chain technology worth paying attention to out there because it is the only one
that solved the fundamental “double spend” problem, Bitcoin did that by
using proof of work, which removes the need for trust over your money
and this cannot be done twice, so anything else out there that dress like
Bitcoin or pretend to be better than Bitcoin will require trust over your
money therefore they are the same scams as the current banking system.
   Furthermore, have you seen those crypto traders/ crypto influencers on
youtube? I am sure you have, and some of those people are perfect
examples of how fiat excrement looks like. I am sorry for the term
but these people are causing too much damage to newbies, I had to say it.
They will sell their innocent subscribers' souls to evil crypto exchanges that
are selling them highly leveraged trades in which they are guaranteed to
get liquidated.  And these same influencers will take massive amounts of
money from crypto projects leaders to come up on their show and sell their
scams to innocent retailers who have limited knowledge on how these
scams blockchain projects work. 
   The bottom line is, these crypto projects will get hyped up by paid crypto
influencers and or VC funds with way more influence and money than any
small retailer who will get dumped on after buying the top. What is the
probability that you win? The probability is zero because you won’t know
when it will happen and also these things get hacked very frequently.

    2. Get more yield on your bitcoin or borrow against itso you don’t have to sell.

This is another donkey thinking way to give away your keys. Bitcoin is not
a debt based system, any debt based business model built on top will
collapse fantastically and if you refuse to learn this then you are up for a
big surprise-Ask Celsians. But still, these crypto platforms will keep offering
you more yield on your bitcoin and they will never truly tell you where the
yield comes from, but I am here to tell you that you are probably the yield
they are giving away because in other for that thing to work they always
need new depositors to pay for the yield of the old depositors therefore once
the music stop the system will collapse, and you will be so glad you were out.  
   And also, borrowing against your bitcoin is a good way to have sleepless
nights in an extremely volatile market so yeah, perfect way to get rekt.

     3. Running automating trading bots

     When most cryptocurrency investors first begin trading bitcoin, they typically
do so by manually placing buy/sell orders on one of the myriad bitcoin trading
platforms available. By doing this, traders are able to feel out the market,
identifying trading opportunities by looking at various trading indicators and
market metrics. However, this type of activity comes with its own risk
potentials such as: flash crashes in a black swan event, exchanges get hacked
and you lose all your funds, and also nothing says if those bots are honest
bots they may be built to your disadvantage as a user. 

Now, let's see how to invest in bitcoin safely to avoid
getting rekt

Have you ever heard the term "Stack sats stay humble" before? That's right,
Bitcoin will eventually humble you and the cure to that will be DCA.
DCA means accumulate satoshis with an average amount of fiat money in a
set period of time, for example: buying bitcoin for $10 a day, or buy $100 of
bitcoin every week. This investment strategy aims to reduce the stress of
market volatility and market turbulence. There is a specific website called exclusively built to help you model things like, how much sats you
would own by purchasing $10 of bitcoin every week?
  Because Bitcoin is so volatile it is extremely difficult to know when bitcoin is
cheap or expensive. This is why building your Bitcoin education for more
confidence to gradually stack sats is a safer alternative and a way more
satisfactory strategy. 
But most importantly, while you DCA it is important to remember to take out
your coins out of exchanges otherwise you are playing with fire.


I understand how humans love learning from their own mistakes, but some
mistakes are so expensive it worthwhile learning them from somebody else
and avoid making them. Bitcoin is a hard concept to understand. It requires
a lot of time and motivations but it is obtainable with the right mindset.
I hope I made a good case for the best strategy which is DCA, the simplest
and provably the most successful one. But you may find a strategy that works
best for you, in that case you should keep using it and tell us about it in the
comment section below. But no matter what strategy you are using make sure
you have control over your keys.


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