How To Hedge Against Inflation?

 How To Save And Ignore The Volatility?

How To Save In Bitcoin And Ignore The Volatility?

Bitcoin is a saving technology, ie bitcoin will hold or multiply its value overtime, therefore the value of your money will grow or multiply over time. 1BTC=1BTC and this is always true. 

But why is it not so easy for most people to handle the short term volatility? Exactly! Because if someone is focusing so close to any bitcoin chart in the short term it makes total sense for them to be freaked out since Bitcoin was designed to be volatile up to the right (not down) so it's up to the person to learn to ride with it in order to benefit from it's long-term potential. 

  One of the best ways to mitigate the bitcoin volatility is by DCAing - Dollar Cost Averaging into it over time, this is done by simply accumulating a small set or vary amount every week or two, by doing so you get to learn to stay on top of the market fearlessly and confidently while ignoring short term market noises and volatility. Bitcoin Tips:

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   I love sharing this rainbow chart that gives an approximate trend-view of

bitcoin trajectory.

   But first I think you need to have enough conviction in Bitcoin which will
come from your curiosity after putting a small amount into it, in order to
Dollar Cost Averaging(DCA) you need to have a longer time horizon, more
than just one year. On this website/blog I am doing my best to educate you
enough so you can come to your own conclusion on why you need to save
into bitcoin or not. 

   Please consider sharing with a friend or a family to help them out. 

How High Can The Bitcoin Price Go?

My goal is to help as many people as I can crossing the bridge of understanding the Bitcoin saving

technology so they can protect themselves. If this post helped you in any shape or form and you would like

to support me you are welcome to contribute with as little as $0.5 to this bitcoin address below. But

most importantly please share this with your family and friends to help them out in understanding the

Bitcoin potential to save their lives.

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Bitcoin For The People

I heard about Bitcoin a while back, but I tried my best not to learn more about it because it’s too dangerous and volatile. They said It will soon go away, it’s destroying the environment by using too much energy. So no thank you very much, I love my inflating national currency and I don't think it is necessary to include that bad Bitcoin thing in my ever getting cheaper livelihood.  

Now, for some reason I am reading this today so I finally decided to ignore the noises and I want to grant Bitcoin some time from my busy life to find out for myself what the hell is really going on. 

Perfect great way to start, Bitcoin is the people's money and it’s for the ones who are exclusively prohibited to shake the money tree. What is Bitcoin, you ask? Great!

But first of all, in order to really understand what Bitcoin is, you will need to remove your hat and let bitcoin shave you free from everything you have learned about money and start fresh from a new beginning.

For Grandmas, Dads, Moms, Sons, Daughters, Families & Friends

  • Bitcoin gives you complete control and ownership over your hard earned money you traded for your precious time. Bitcoin is digital gold with infinite scarcity, only 21million bitcoin will ever be created. The only difference to gold is that you don’t need to bury your bitcoin in the ground or store it in a physical place like your house but instead you can store it in your memory or on a piece of paper and leave. So your bitcoin can be with you all the time and you can even take it in the graveyard with you if you like. But you can also pass on your bitcoin to your kids by simply sending it to them as a generational wealth transfer. And when you own your fraction of a bitcoin you don’t need permission from anybody or institution to send it to whoever you please but you simply send it and nothing can stop it. If you find value in this post please take a minute to lightning tip me a few sats

    I appreciate it!

  • How can Bitcoin help me as an average person? Bitcoin is a saving technology that can help anybody store their life's worth of savings or energy that will never get bleeding away through inflation or other forms of money confiscations. Bitcoin gives you a fighting chance to survive in times of chaos, society collapse, hyperinflation, war, and other crises. Bitcoin can be a great tool to support your retirement savings or a second plan B for life saving of yourself and your family. Because of its limited supply of 21million and its utility around the world that every human being on the planet is having the problem of wealth confiscation that Bitcoin solves so bitcoin value can only grow higher overtime.

  • But bitcoin is expensive isn’t it? The real unit of bitcoin is Satoshi or Sat, the smallest subdivision of a bitcoin(1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 Sats). So Always try to look at it in the Satoshi term instead of the huge bitcoin price, this way you will realize how cheap bitcoin still is. At the time of writing this, $1 will buy you approximately 2,363.675 Sats, so spending $423.07 will make you a Sats millionaire in the bitcoin standard. Avoid getting stuck thinking in the fiat dollars price but instead in Sats. 

  • How else can Bitcoin help me save myself and my family? In a worse-case scenario, for example, in a hyperinflationary environment where your money is getting worthless daily or by losing fifty percent of its value each day meaning the same $100 groceries of today will cost you more than $700 next week while you will still have to feed your family at that time and you will not able to do anything about it. By the way this is happening right now in many countries around the world. Also Bitcoin can be your bank if you lose access to your bank account or if your bank wants to freeze your money in your account or if they want to prevent you from withdrawing your money. So all these make knowing how to use Bitcoin a hero survival skill to have.

How Do I Plug My Family Into Bitcoin?

  • Education First! Most importantly it will require you and your family to invest much more time to learn deeply about this saving technology so you can have the full conviction on why it can really help your family grow overtime, because Bitcoin is not something that can be understood in a single good afternoon. It can take you quite a while to fully understand it and make the decision for yourselves, but don’t worry you will understand Bitcoin as soon as you are ready.

  • Migrating my family to the Bitcoin Standard! Basically, integrating Bitcoin into your family can be as simple as converting any extra family cash into bitcoin every two weeks and ignoring all short term volatility and noises, since bitcoin is long term growth not short term. By doing so you upgrade your family from a fiat standard(unlimited money supply) to the Bitcoin standard(limited scarce money with a cap).

Integrating Bitcoin Into Your Small Business

  • Bitcoin is inevitable for businesses that want to survive or succeed in a hyperinflationary environment. But first you need to spend some time and resources to educate yourself about Bitcoin and to understand its use case for you before you decide to convert all your cash flow into it.

  • Upgrading my business to the Bitcoin Standard! Just like buying bitcoin for your personal savings, you can also buy bitcoin with extra cash flow generated by your business to preserve for the long term. Accepting payment in bitcoin can be great for your business because bitcoin does not charge you 2 to 3 percent transaction fees but instead the customers pay the negligible transaction fee and also accepting bitcoin is a great marketing strategy for your business since bitcoin is massively used all around the world and it’s adoption only keeps growing.

A deeper look into Bitcoin functionality

  • How does bitcoin really work? All bitcoin functionality boils down to this: the ability for two persons to make a transaction that will be recorded on a public sheet that is visible to everyone else who is using the same sheet to send, record and verify their transactions. But this sheet needs to be protected from bad actors who wish to falsify transactions or commit corruptions, that’s why they are using computers all over the world to independently supervise and protect the sheet. And this is why there is a certain amount of bitcoin coming out in circulation to compensate the miners for doing the work of protecting the sheet, but the amount of bitcoin available for issuance to pay miners is diminishing over time no matter how many miners are joining the network. And most importantly there is a limit on how many bitcoin that can be mined which is only 21 million. So that adds up to the bitcoin scarcity feature, and this is why the bitcoin price is more likely to go up in a relatively long period of time.

  • What is the Bitcoin network? Think of the Bitcoin network like all the ants in the world coordinating together to always keep the species alive, so if there is a war on the ants in one region of the world then the ants will migrate to the regions that are safer and more welcoming to ants but what if there is a global coordination to kill all the ants in the world like what happened to the dinosaurs? Then a new generation of ants will be reproduced out of the old ants eggs but stronger and with better strategies to survive attacks. In the end, because Bitcoin is an idea it’s hard to point a gun at it.


My goal is to help as many people as I can crossing the bridge of understanding the Bitcoin saving

technology so they can protect themselves. If this post helped you in any shape or form and you would like

to support me you are welcome to contribute with as little as $0.5 to this bitcoin address below. But

most importantly please share this with your family and friends to help them out in understanding the

Bitcoin potential to save their lives.


Thank you!



  Inflation is the root cause of many problems in the society but not many people recognizes it because the system we are all living in requires inflation or money printing as a subsidy to keep moving, not necessarily moving forwards since inflation is a minus on our life savings but backwards because it results in things keep getting more expensive. Why do we agree that our money to be worth less overtime in exchange for a maybe-growing-economy that we have no control over?

Even when they say the economy is booming, it is booming in the expense of our money going down in value or becoming worth less, for example when you see your house price goes up that does not always mean your house is worth more money it simply means that your currency is losing so much value somebody is willing to give you a lot more of it for your house, but if you would convert your house price into a hard money like bitcoin you would see the opposite fact.

  • Why inflation is bad for us?
  When inflation is low(0.1% to 2%), the regular person does not often feel the burden because it's like having a miner leak on your tire so you can still drive around after you pump your tire back up but eventually the leak will grow bigger and you will no longer have a choice than replacing your tire. 
  When inflation is out of control or it can no longer be manipulated to subsidize an artificially growing economy, this is when you start feeling the pain because you can no longer afford your cost of living since everything now cost 40% to 100% more and at the same time your paycheck and your retirement stays constant because they are fixed income.

  •   The Bitcoin is the lifeboat

  Bitcoin is a different form of money that nobody controls, unlike national currencies that can always get inflated by issuing so much more of it, there can ever be only 21 million bitcoin in existence, this unique characteristic of Bitcoin is consistent and unchangeable, for more than a decade now no matter what happened in the world the Bitcoin monetary policy has never changed, that's being said with certainty because Bitcoin is transparent, open and verifiable

  • How to get yourself and everyone else you know into the Bitcoin lifeboat?
 It is simple, buy bitcoin and self-custody it forever and teach everybody else you know about it so they can do the same. 
 The Bitcoin standard incentivizes you to share your bitcoin knowledge with others because the bigger the ecosystem gets the better it is unlike the fiat system that incentivizes very few on the top to keep the secretes to themselves.
  • Conclusion
It is everybody responsibility to protect themselves from inflation, inflation takes away your fundamental human rights that is property ownership, Bitcoin is here to give every single individual property ownership with no strings attached. 
Never in history did we were able to preserve our hard earned money in time and space before Bitcoin.   

To learn more about Bitcoin there are a lot more posts on this blog that answers a lot more questions about Bitcoin, please feel free to continue to explore more.

I am dedicating a lot of time and energy in researches to provide you all these information and knowledge. 

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Beginner guide to Bitcoin

Complete guide to Bitcoin

  •  Bitcoin introduction

Bitcoin is known as the first successful decentralized money ever existed. Conceived in 2008 implemented in 2009 by a person or a group of people pseudonymously known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

  • What does Bitcoin solve?

Initially, as mensioned in the white paper, Bitcoin was intended to solve the double spend problem (no cash finality issue) that permitted fractional reserve to occur or unlimited fiat money creation out of thin air. So now Bitcoin makes it possible to do Peer-to-Peer digital cash transfer with cash finality meaning: no double spending issues, no intermediaries like banks, it is censorship resistant, no need to trust the person you are sending it to, and global transfers close to instant made possible.

Now Bitcoin grew up and inspires a never ending long list of other cryptocurrencies known as altcoins with different purposes, but Bitcoin always differs itself from the rest by being very reliable in doing something consistently unique, that is maintaining a fixed and unchangeable monetary policy of 21 million bitcoin to ever exist and keep executing its block every ten minutes to compensate the miners(computers owners) for doing the provable work to securing the network, a consensus known as the "Nakamoto consensus" or "Proof of work". Bitcoin Tips:

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  • The Bitcoin Evolution

Unsurprisingly, Bitcoin became digital energy with scarcity. How come you may ask? Because it requires enormous amount of energy to mine or create bitcoin and once it's created it maintains its energy forever. In a world where energy is essential to life, meaning all living things require energy to continue to exist, it is crucial for at least humans to be able to preserve their energy for the future if sustainability is one of their goals, but before Bitcoin there were not a reliable way to preserve your monetary energy for long-term survival no matter how productive you could be.

  • How to evolve yourself or your family with Bitcoin?

Now people can build their family and their businesses around bitcoin for sustainability and longevity because bitcoin is energy saving that does not leak energy, and most importantly the robustness of the Bitcoin decentralized security network can insure them self-sovereignty. 

Just by adopting Bitcoin in the saving of yours or your family or your business or your country you can  benefit from the evolution of the Bitcoin technology, this include: inflation proof, property right, digital energy saving, sustainability, self-sovereignty, permissionless transactions and so much more.

  • Conclusion
Bitcoin is an open technology just like: Fire, Math, Electricity. Anybody can tap into the Bitcoin technology their own way for their own benefits. The more resources and time you dedicate to learn about this technology the better off you are in implementing it and also the sooner is better. 

To learn more about Bitcoin there are a lot more posts on this blog that answers a lot more questions about Bitcoin, please feel free to continue to explore more.

My goal is to help as many people as I can crossing the bridge of understanding the Bitcoin saving

technology so they can protect themselves. If this post helped you in any shape or form and you would like

to support me you are welcome to contribute with as little as $0.5 to this bitcoin address below. But

most importantly please share this with your family and friends to help them out in understanding the

Bitcoin potential to save their lives.




                                      WHAT IS BITCOIN? 

 Bitcoin is the first decentralized money or currency on the internet, designed and developed by a person or a group called by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008-2009 period in the middle of the economic crisis. Satoshi created Bitcoin as a form of peer-to-peer cash system that does not rely on third party like a bank to establish trust. There will never be more than 21million bitcoin created and each bitcoin is equal to 100million Satoshis which is the smallest unit of Bitcoin just like the cent is the smallest unit of the dollar. The Bitcoin network is secured by decentralized computers spread all around the world called miners of which owners are incentivized to keep mining to earn block rewards in the form of bitcoin and this is why Bitcoin is now the most secured network in the world.

 Surprisingly, Bitcoin has evolved throughout times and it is still battling multiple attacks such as: technical, social and political, and it seems like Bitcoin always manage to find a reason to continue to exist.


WHY DO I NEED BITCOIN? If you find value in this post please take a minute to lightning tip me a few sats

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Now you have a basic understanding of Bitcoin, let's talk about the Bitcoin use cases, you notice that I refer to Bitcoin as crypto asset in the beginning? Yes, many now start to see Bitcoin as a store of value like Gold. Yes Bitcoin does not have all the characteristics of Gold but to explain Bitcoin I like to make the allusion of Gold which I know has physical scarcity on earth and Bitcoin has digital scarcity on the internet since nobody can create any more of Bitcoin. And as we are moving into the digital world it's becoming more of an imperative for most people to own something like Bitcoin in the digital world that is scarce just like Gold is in the physical world.

 Furthermore, Bitcoin is permission less and censorship resistant therefore nobody or entity can stop you from sending your Bitcoin to someone else. But I don't want you to get to excited and think Bitcoin is private, no it is not totally private and this is a common misconception people have about Bitcoin, the fact that most transactions are public on something called the Bitcoin ledger which means anyone can go look at the entire history of Bitcoin transactions on that ledger and trace the transactions. 

To learn more about Bitcoin there are a lot more posts on this blog that answers a lot more questions about Bitcoin, please feel free to continue to explore more.

I am dedicating a lot of time and energy in researches to provide you all these information and knowledge.

My goal is to help as many people as I can crossing the bridge of understanding the Bitcoin saving

technology so they can protect themselves. If this post helped you in any shape or form and you would like

to support me you are welcome to contribute with as little as $0.5 to this bitcoin address below. But

most importantly please share this with your family and friends to help them out in understanding the

Bitcoin potential to save their lives.



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