How To Switch Your S9 Miner To Ocean Mining Pool Live and First Time Try

What Peter Shiff Misses About Bitcoin And Why he Still Doesn't Get it

  Peter Shiff is a great financial guru, he is known for being a big gold bug who loves calling Bitcoin fools gold. Peter has a good understerding of the economy and money but for some reason he seems to keep missing the importance and value of Bitcoin. I said seems to because this could be his way of promoting himself as the "loudest Bitcoin critic" since we know he is accepting bitcoin payments for gold he is dumping on his normie followers and he did have an auction to sell his gold ordinal JPGs on the Bitcoin timechain as well, but this is about his dismissive of Bitcoin.

  Peter seems to believe that in oder for something to be money it needs to have an intrinsic value or a utility value like gold has. Let's debunk that first, yes it's true that gold is a very useful metal, in the periodic table it's one of the best conductor of electricity, gold electrical conductivity (S/m): 4.51 × 10^7, it's being used in some electronics like smartphones and other computers. Gold has also been used as jewelry for at least 5 thousand years. It's almost indestructible because it doesn't rust and you can melt it down to make it take any shape or forms you want without losing any mass nor properties. But what made gold money wasn't any of these things, but instead it was its scarcity. 

  Scarcity is the name of the game when it comes to money, it doesn't matter how beautiful and shiny you can make an object but if there can be an infinite amount of them it will eventually fail as money because the market will find ways to make more of it. Before gold there were other types of money like sea shells, Salt(thus the name salary), Rai stones, etc. But all of these things can be made more of and that's why they hyperinflate at some point and that's why nobody is willing to use them as a store of value anymore, therefore seized to be money. These are one of the biggest things Peter seems to miss. Gold became money because of its scarcity first, then it became used as jewelry because the man gives it to his wife in marriage so if he dies she has some hard money to take care of herself. 

  Overtime governments were able to capture gold by using counter parties to create too much paper gold certificates and massive leverage on top of it and because it's hard to audit the gold we have to trust that they are not counterfeiting it. That's why gold price is surpressed for so long it's not even keeping up to the rate of  USD debasement.  

  Bitcoin is an improvement on Gold but it is even a better money than gold because there is no need to trust any body you can audit the ledger every ten minutes there is a new set of transactions stating who owns what and the total circulating supply that will never be more than 21Million bitcoins and which issuance decreases in half every for years till the year 2140 when the network transactions will already be enough to sustain itself. After the 2024 Bitcoin halving that happened in April 19th Bitcoin became scarcer than gold. Which mean there is less bitcoin available for sale right now than gold. Furthermore Gold is not that scarce compared to Bitcoin, if gold price goes up 2x Peter Shiff mining stock will get more funding to go dig more gold faster out of the ground to dump in market for profit to their shareholders, in contrast to Bitcoin even if the price 10x this year there is nothing the Bitcoin miners will get more than their scheduled block reward rate at the time. They can only increase their hashrate but not the issuance because Bitcoin is set in time not under the ground.

  You see Bitcoin is a rigid monetary network that's has a auditable and fixed supply cap and it is a payment network at the same time, meanwhile gold is only a monetary store of value of which supply can be increased with enough money invested in mining. In history of monies the hardest always win other the others that's why I think Bitcoin could win over gold since it's a thousand times better.

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How Bitcoin changes our time preference for a brighter future.

 Being in Bitcoin not only increases your wealth exponentially over time but it also makes you become wiser to a degree you think deeper and farther into time instead of living by the day like most people in the fiat matrix do. 

  You either have a high time preference( short termist) or you have a low time preference(long termist), I know it's counterintuitive but let's explore both.


   Bitcoin lowers your time prefernce simultaneously as it grows your wealth, because now you have more money therefore more time to plan your life long term. The reason why most people don't get this idea yet is because they don't have the patience required, but also  they are stuck in their fiat thinking so they cannot envision a system that does not steal from them. 

  Bitcoin alows you to think about your actions, your health so what you eat matters because you need to live long enough to enjoy your bitcoin savings. Just not having to constently worry about money in the future frees a lot of mental hurdles in your mind. So you can dream big. You can start a business that will last 100 years. You can start a family with many kids, your last name will be around for many centuries.

   A society built on hard money principales like Bitcoin must have better outcomes because the incentives are aligned for a better world. But in contrast to that we have fiat or money by decree that destroys it all.

  Fiat money highers our time preference because it deprives us all from our time and our money. That's why you see most people are always in a rush to do anything and everything even if they shouldn't do it or the wrong way to do it. They don't want to think about the unintended consequences of their actions today but prefer someone else deal with the negative externalities tomorrow. 

  In a fiat world people are hopeless and they feel powerless so no reason for them to think deep in the future. As an example to this, governments today are printing money for all sorts of superficial reasons because most of those leaders are so old they think "it's okay because they won't be alive when the problems will have to be dealt with" so our kids will handle it as they say. No wonder why the younger generation feel so hopeless these days. It's because they are sacrificing their future for some invented "climate fixing goals" and invented "War dictator fighting wars". They are willing to print print prin to destroy the planet and kill everyone in it incloluding themselves just to achieve those fake goals they set for themselves.

   Bitcoin is a great way to isolate yourself and your family from fiat short termism to make them think long term and hopefully protect them from fiat negative externalities.

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How to accept bitcoin payments in your business

   It's a great idea to accept bitcoin payments in your business as it is the fastest growing economy online and set to be the future of money as we know it. When you accept bitcoin for payments not only you save on transaction fees(2% visa charges) but you're safe from charge backs, and most importantly the value of your money is not debasing over time, so you can focus more on your business not worrying about getting stolen from through inflation or other types of confiscation. Accepting bitcoin helps you attract a whole new set of customers that wouldn't be possible otherwise "bitcoiners", these people are really enthusiastic about Bitcoin and they will fly from miles away to come spend their Sats in your business just to support you. Enough of rambling lets go learn how to receive some Sats money.

  There are three ways you can go with this: 

  1. The first way is for Physical location businesses, if you want to receive bitcoin you can simply use any bitcoin wallet like: blink walletWalletofSatoshi or the Phoenix Wallet just put up your sign "bitcoin accepted here" and start stacking Sats for your business

  2. Second one is for online businesses, there are few services online that help you plugin Bitcoin payments on your website first one is BTCpay server which is basically a free and open source software that you can use. It's a little bit more technical but with a bit of help and some time put into it you will get it all setup, find their API here for ecommerce integrations.

  3. Other option for online businesses, if you're okay paying  $25/month for a white gloves service that handle the complexity for you then go to Zaprite they will take care of you.

In conclusion, there are a lot to gain when you integrate Bitcoin for payment in your business, since Bitcoin is both a payment network and a monetary network built for the digital age. There will ever be only 21Million bitcoins in existence and it takes time, proof of work and energy to get them out of the mathematical ground, in contrast to fiat currencies that are easy to create and almost impossible to know how much of these things are out there, so if you value your business and you want to stay in business for long then adopting a Bitcoin strategy like payment is not a bad idea. 

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How to Create Your Own Lightning Address to Receive or Send bitcoin(Sats) online or To Get Zaps on Nostr KYC-Free and Even on Your Own Blog

  Did you ever want to experience what it is like receiving micro-payments or tips for your contents, interactions or goods and services online or even in person frictionless with no middleman between you and your peers to take a cut? Well you are in the right place. These kinds of payments were impossible before bitcoin and the lightning network built on top. 

  Today we are going to learn how to setup a "lightning address" (or @LN address) using WalletofSatoshi, for inside the US you have a hard time finding WalletofSatoshi, use one of these services instead  from lightningaddress.comthe simple steps are as follow:

  1. Go install the app at:

  2. You will automatically receive an adress that you can change you own prefered username before the @.

  3. But first you will need to register your account using an email address, I suggest using an email defrent from your private mainly used email, just for your privacy.

  4. Go to your email copy the link Walletofsatoshi sent you and go to the app. You may need to use the given address for a while before you can get your personal one, but still you have an @LN address now you can use to receive payments.

   You can use that address to receive Sats tips on any social media platform, on Nostr and on your blog/website as well, I show you how to do that seamlessly here.

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Top Secret Ways To Stack Sats and Bitcoins With No Money In The Bank And No Cash in Your Pocket

    No money? No problem, I will show you how to stack your first Sats like a psychopath.  You might have heard that saying around the Bitcoin circles "Sack Sats Stay Humble", but how are you supposed to buy bitcoin if you're struggling to buy gas in this expensive world?  Well you're 100% right about that, and this is why we are not going to play big here, no we are not getting a hole bitcoin right now but we are simply going after a few Sats, and if Bitcoin is really absolute scarcity we might have a slim chance to make our dream come true and be able to afford much more than just fuel.  Back in the days when bitcoin was in the 10cents a coin there used to be sites called "Bitcoin Faucet" where you could go to and do some puzzle logins to receive some bitcoins, of course this was from the early adopters who wanted to spread Bitcoin adoption amongst more people, but now those bitcoin are worth multiple thousands of dollars heading to millions in the future at least that's what others think. But now Sats are the new bitcoins, it's no longer given away but you don't have to be a genius to get them easily.  Side note, "Sats" or "satoshis" are small units of bitcoin, one bitcoin is equal 100,000,000 Sats, just like 1 dollar is worth 100 Cents.  So one Million Sats is worth 0.01 times the current value of one bitcoin in USD term.  Now, let's go put our hands on some Sats.

   One of the easiest way to stack Sats is on, just like the name says, it's like a news platform where you can report pretty much anything that might be import to someone else and if people find value in your post then you know your first Sats are guaranteed.  You can also publish your own ideas, Bitcoin questions or your documentations on a domain you really know about, the more profound and interesting it is the more Sats you will get. I myself @piecover have stacked over 81,000 Sats since I started using it in Nov 2023, that's 0.00081 bitcoin and it's only that much because I am not using it extensively, I also donate back a lot of that online to support a lot of other Bitcoiner content creators and Bitcoin merchants.  But is not the only place to stack sats.

   Head on to Nostr, Nostr stands for Notes and Other Stuff Over Relays, but that's not what this post is about today, we want to put our hands on some Sats.  First you're going to create a Nostr account using any Nostr app like: Amethyst or Primal or Damus or Iris or any other Nostr client out there, it doesn't matter which one you pick because you will be able to move around with your Public and Private Key taking all your posts with you.  When you get on Nostr, start doing the same thing you would do on Twitter(X) or facebook but better and you will start getting rewarded in Sats for your valuable posts and insightful ideas.

   Once you start getting your feet wet on stacking Sats using those kinds of ways then you may want to acquire bigger amount on exchanges or just by selling things you don't need for Sats, working extra hours is also a great way and by doing some side hustle like lawn mowing, handy work, or some online gigs, this is by the way the case for a lot of Bitcoiners I know, you will get a lot more Sats working an extra hour at your job than most strategies that's just the fact as of today. But look, Bitcoin is proof of work, if you do enough work either by being online or in person it doesn't matter as long as you put it in Bitcoin it will always be a wise decision over the long term, just because the sats will only go up in value. I will explain more into that in deferent post. But for now just remember,  in order to hold on to your Sats for the long run you also need to keep working or providing value to the society otherwise you will keep spending them.
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Understanding Bitcoin's Scarcity and the Halving Mechanism

The Bitcoin halvings implications

Bitcoin's design inherently limits its total supply to 21 million coins. This scarcity is a fundamental aspect that the world starts to acknowledge, underlining a principle that is embedded in bitcoin's source code and very well documented in its whitepaper. The halving events — the periodic reduction in the block rewards for miners — further tighten this scarcity by halving the rate at which new Bitcoins are created every 210,000 blocks (approximately four years). This mechanism served to disperse the maximum number of bitcoins in the early years of the network's existence, and facilitated an efficient price discovery process.  What's more, as issuance reduces, Bitcoin's position as a store of value par excellence increases proportionally. This year's(2024) halving will reduce Bitcoin's supply growth rate from 1.7% to 0.85%, dropping below that of Gold at 1-2% per year.

   The most fascinating thing about the Bitcoin halving is that no body is controling it and nobody can stop it from happening. Bitcoin is a self-sovereign living thing, it pays for its own existence, it pays you to own it, it can't run out of money because it is the money. Everytime the Bitcoin halving happens, Bitcoin reinforced itself as a closed system that never leak time nor energy. More people will realize its reliability in a world full of turbulance and manipulations of money.

I prepared a video Version of this as well, that you may also like

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Bitcoin Breaks The "Milkshake Theory" Final Straw and Stops The Border Crisis Across The World

Most people approach a problem by looking at its effect and yell at it hoping it fixes itself, while others look for the causes and fix it. We are going to look at the causes of the border crisis in the US and hopefully offer a real practical solution. 

  People across the world are hopeless and desperate, they look at countries like USA as the "promised land" and they will do whatever it takes to get there. For them it doesn't matter if you call them illegals they just want to live and they are tired of watching others stealing everything from them after working for years to have what they had. The 1% in the US who controls the money printer deprives their countries from everything through the "milkshake theory" process, hence gangs and the gov of their country deprive them from their wealth and everything else they had.

   When US central bank and its banks print money it doesn't just impoverish people in the US who use the USD but most importantly it kills people across the world, the poorest get hit the hardest, bc USD is the world reserve currency.

    Thank God for Bitcoin that fixes this massive issue by breaking the final straw of The "Milkshake Theory". Everyday Bitcoin exist and keep operating as a proof of work money it's cutting that evil pipe that's sucking the life blood of all humans across the world(Americans included) to satisfy the money printers in the US, some slowly some faster the evidence is in the border.

If the world has a reserve currency that nobody can print then it levels its playing field, and opportunities can be found anywhere. Bitcoin is money without a printer but hard working people who love to work for what they earn.

How To Save On Bitcoin Transaction Fees

     Many things can cause Bitcoin network fees to skyrocket but today I am going to help mitigate that. Let's say you bought bitcoin from an exchange and now you want to withdraw it to hold your own keys to your money, so basically you want to take the bitcoin to your own wallet but you worry that transaction fees may be too high to move them again today or in the future so here are few things to consider:

   1. Transaction consolidation, this process is as simple as the name says it, you are sending all your bitcoins all at once to one address so that you already pay for all the individual data input for all your previous chonks of transactions. You can do that by waiting for fees to come down or you can try this second option

   2. Liquid, liquid is a Bitcoin sidechain(cheaper) you can use to store those small individual chonks of transactions staight from your exchange for a lower fee. You can use something called "sideswap" on the app to automatically receive and swap your BTC to L-BTC for about 0.1% conversion fee, ofcourse you may want to first calculate if this better to use this service that requires some trust instead of using the Bitcoin timechain, it's a tradeoff you are making, but can also send L-BTC to a more trusted bitcoin wallet like Green. Now when you feel like your liquid stack is big enough and you want to peg-out to base L1 BTC you can simply sideswap it out on the sideswap app. You can also move those liquide bitcoin faster and cheaper using the following technology as well.

   3. The Boltz exchance(, this exchange will help you move your bitcoin from liquid to your lightning wallet visversa and from lightning to base layer BTC

  I really hope this helps you in some ways, if you found some value feel free to show some value back, thank you! Pie

How To Give The Christmas Gift That Will Never Stop Giving

  Money that loses value overtime like fiat currencies cannot possibly make you happy but money that gains value overtime could probably make your friends or family happy. This Christmas season we are going to think outside the bank to give them the gift that will never stop making them smiling, Sats aka bitcoin.

  Basically, Sat is like the penny(¢ cent) of bitcoin a fraction of it, like 100millionth of a bitcoin, but its value still goes up overtime alongside bitcoin. So now we want to give a Christmas gift to a friend who want it to maintain or even increase in value overtime. Here is how we can do that

  First of all we are going to use this website called click on create your first gift, it will ask you to login you can use your email or your bitcoin-lightning wallet for that like walletofsatoshi. Assuming you're already logged-in let's go to "create first gift". Simply chose the amount and then go down to "advanced options", leave it at the "standard option" and then click on "generate passphrase" this will make you 3 secret words that the recipient will need to redeem the money. And that should be it, congratulations! Now you just gave the gift that will never stop giving.

  The redeeming process is as simple, they just need to download a lightning wallet I suggest WalletOfSatoshi because of less friction and very easy to use.

Video For Visual Learners

I Hope you found value into this, thank you for reading!

How To Send And Receive Bitcoin With An Email Address

Instead of complicated and scary Forms of Bitcoin addresses now you can use your email address to send or receive Bitcoin from your friends and families. 
The steps are pretty quick and simple, first you need to past the receiver email address at *Do not use your real personal email for this but just create a fake Gmail for now. Second enter the amount you want to send and that's it. Now to receive the bitcoin the receiver needs to login to their email account and look for the acceptLN email and go redeem the money from acceptLN using a lightning wallet like walletOfsatoshi or PhoenixWallet. The bitcoin will seat on the email until the receiver is ready to redeem it.
Thank you for reading this I hope you found value, cheers!

The Money Super Highway Moving At The Speed Of Light To Become The Predominant Payment And Energy Network In The World


What Set out to be a peer-to-peer electronic cash system for online payments is now becoming the  predominant way to perform large size transactions in the world. Five years ago It used to be a big deal to see a million dollar(us) of Bitcoin moved across the network but these days this seems to happen way more often than not. As Satoshi predicted: 
 Bitcoin is only 15 years old but yet this was a response to the fear of block rewards not being high enough to pay miners to secure the network, but already today Satoshi seems to be on the path to be proving right because these years the average transactions per block is close to 3k tx with an average transaction amount of $30k equal to a $90Million/block in average, which means a lot of demand for block space and large size transactions which ultimately leads to bigger tx fees for miners, so even if the average tx is 10,000Sats/tx this is a 30Million Sats per block in average so $10k/block in only fees not including the block subsidy and the price appreciation over the long term. But why is Bitcoin setting out to become the predominant payment network in the world?

Bitcoin The Money Transfer Network
 Ultimately, Bitcoin is just a superior payment network compare to any other payment network available out-there. Some of the most important Bitcoin features that makes it better are: censorship resistant, so nobody can stop anybody in the world from transacting any amount of money(BTC) during anytime of the day to any place in the world, so no permission is required to use the bathroom in this house. Only these features alone are enough to make it the preferred payment network in the world, Bitcoin also has the lightning network that helps it go farther, this is for smaller amounts of BTC(Sats) transfers, it allows you to pay for things like a coffee, grocery bills, online shopping, donations, etc. You can imagine Bitcoin as a shiny city that powers itself it has a highway(the Timechain, Base Layer1) where mostly all the transport trucks passes with big loads and the local routes(Lightning, layer2) where the cars and bicycles pass. The city powers itself because bitcoin(BTC or Sats) is also the fuel that powers the network, as Der Gigi would say "Bitcoin is the map and the territory". Speaking of territory, most payment network are limited to certain regions or borders Bitcoin is limitless and borderless it will flow anywhere that there is a thirst for money transfers or payments. 

Even though, Bitcoin is still a small independent economy out-there of just $700billion market cap but it is quietly growing exponentially, it's market cap was only $70Billion just 5 years ago. But the most under rated feature of Bitcoin-the-energy-network is it's ability to transfer energy across the world from one party to another. 

Bitcoin The Energy Transfer Network
Imagine being a country that's rich in Volcano Energy but poor in petroleum(Crude oil) Energy or lacks the infrastructure to extract oil under the ground, you can now go to the Bitcoin Mining Network sell your Volcano Energy and use that BTC mined to purchase Oil you need from the country that produce it, and vice versa, you also can sell your oil on the Bitcoin mining network to purchase Uranium(nuclear energy) you need to power your electrical grid. No other Network in world provides that service. Side note, as I am writing I will admit that it also blows my mind as I never thought of Bitcoin like that before too. But this is really the kinds of flexibility and solutions Bitcoin provides that reinforce its superiority over fiat, cypto, gold or anything else combined, because Bitcoin is also an Energy reservoir that never leak energy.
On twitter(x) I wrote, Bitcoin is a leakproof reservoir powerful enough to maintain a 21Million measuring stick hard cap and infinitely deep enough to preserve all the energy this civilization can ever produce at its maximum best capacity for today and forever, for the first time in history humans can now preserve their work, time and energy for an eternity.

If you found value into this and feel like I deserve some valuable Sats feel free to support my work with a lightning payment to: or use the button below

Cheers! Thank you!

Bitcoin Not Crypto And Why It's Important To Make That Distinction

 On May 1st 2022 I wrote Not Your Keys Not Your Coin - It's Your Bitcoin so Truly Own It just before the collapse of crypto companies like: Celsius Network, Blockfi, Three Arrows Capital and later FTX where people lost all their bitcoins, I didn't know how bad they were rehypothecating their customers bitcoins, but I simply needed to look at the pass and understand the nature of these crypto scammers, leading me to today writing about "Bitcoin and Not Crypto". 

  Unfortunately, most people who comes to Bitcoin these days often think that Bitcoin is part of the "Crypto universe" that is baseless and constitute of an infinite number of scams without exception. But no, Bitcoin is living in its own economy based on real world energy and value for value payments and savings. It's important to make that distinction between Bitcoin and crypto, the 21Million hard cap decentralized timechain, that doesn't require you to trust any group of technocratic developers, validators, not even the miners that are doing the proof of work. Once you run your own Bitcoin node you couldn't care less about what somebody say or what a group of people say. Bitcoin is a bear asset(a property you can own, hold or move yourself). Which is the opposite of what all the cypto projects out there are, let me explain.

 Bitcoin put an end to the fiat money printing, crypto reintroduced the money printer by creating their own coins(money) out of nothing to scam the owners of those coins by dumping them on the market. What makes Bitcoin deferent is the fact that it requires real world energy, time and proof of work to be released out of circulation and nobody is in control of it nor in a priority advantage than others, but based on ground level competition for anybody with enough energy or computation power. This leads me to also say that Bitcoin is the real signal and everything else are noises., this chart says it all.

  But still, some people including myself at some point thought that I could outperform Bitcoin with a collection of these *shitcoins but no I took a huge lost and wish that I only staked to Bitcoin only instead of letting myself be scammed by those grifters, and I learned my lesson ever since. 

Conclusion, Here you have it, it is up to everybody to do their due diligence on finding out the real truth on these things including Bitcoin. Bitcoin is trustless no trust is required, run your own node just like it is important to hold your own private keys in multiple locations if you can. Crypto are scams that require a team of technocrats to infinitely upgrade and tweak their softwared to change their monetary policy to steal from the holders.

Need to support my work? Sure, If you found value in this please feel free to support me by lightning tip few sats to: or go to bitcoin-lightning tip me few Sats 

Mornings! Good Bitcoin Morning

Bitcoin Sun / Profitable Bitcoin Mining In 2019 Solar Powered Mining

  Good morning everyone! I usually talk about Bitcoin(the money) on this blog[] but today is an unusual day where my work called me and ask me to stay home due to bad weather and job cancellations so I decided to bring a deferent vibe today. So I decided to talk about "mornings' today. Some mornings are beautiful on an observers perspectives like me because they are a reset on the brain and the beginning of a brand-new day, that's why we often say Good morning to everyone we interact with in the morning, this is an automatic way to salute but also serves as a positive vibe spreader. In Haiti there is a saying "Pi bonè se granm maten" translated to "The earliest you have to do something is in the morning", I often think about this when I want to get something done specially in todays fiat world we live in where everything is moving so fast to insure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, I talked more about this in A world full of crazy rats working for fiat overlords, I am surprised I am still writing this and it's not already time to go to bed and get ready for work tomorrow. But thanks to Bitcoin I can now take my time to appreciate and degustate the beauty of the mornings, because Bitcoin allows me to lower my time preference in level that's low enough so I can see beyond the darkness of this world of wars, viruses, propagandas funded by fiat money printing. Speaking of darkness(Night) the thing that precedes Mornings, it's important to appreciate that too because even if we want to characterize it as the hard/bad times but there is lessons to be learned there for example there is another Haitian saying "Lè li fè pi nwa se lè sa li pral kòmanse fè jou" meaning "When it's the darkest that's when the morning will starts appearing". Now I would like to illustrate the current fiat world of deep darkness to the beautiful Bitcoin morning arising, it feels like midnight now, we are still far away from the Bitcoin morning lights but it keeps shining in places where it is(El Salvador) with full of energy, brightness, warmth, joy, excitements, etc. You are welcome to come to Bitcoin now where it shines the most by simply converting some of your time, savings and energy to it, bring your family and your friends with you and have a

Good Bitcoin Morning!


Need to support my work? Sure, If you found value in this please feel free to support me by lightning tip few sats to: or go to bitcoin-lightning tip me few Sats


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