People are so used to invest their money to stay ahead of the fiat destruction curve they can't even comprehend how is it possible to outperform everything else without having to do anything with their money but simply HODL bitcoin.
When you own bitcoin you own a special kind of money with a hard cap limited supply of 21M that nobody can make more of. As of March 2025 there is only 2.2M bitcoins on exchanges, 19.83M(94.4%) alredy mined so only 1.7M are left to be mined in the next 100 years.
Bitcoin is hard money based on proof of work, so in contrast to regular fiat currencies (dollars, euro, pesos) Bitcoin requires hard work to be created but also has a limit on how much can exist till the end of time. Hence why the value has to go up compare to anything else.
In today world there are million things fighting for your money but there is only one thing that can store it forever as you like. Bitcoin is immune to fiat wars in fact it defund wars, it doesn't need a CEO nor a team of developers, it just exist and pay for its own existence.
Bitcoin is up 10X over the pass 5 years and is likely to 10X again in the next 5 years just because of its resistance to changes anf its entropy. But the fiat price will keep oscillating up and down in the main time because of human fear and greed behavior towards it. But if one can extend their time horizon long enough they will do just fine by simply HODL Bitcoin.
When I look at all the investments in the world, I don't see anything you can put your money in where you can truely own it and that can multiply the value of your money like bitcoin.
That's why everything else someone says is less important than bitcoin.
Most people are building on a sinking ship, I don't need to be an alien to see it.
If I tell someone to buy something other than bitcoin, you know I am up to something or I am not being honest with myself.
If someone had enough courage and patience to put $100 on bitcoin in August 2012 and wait now it would be worth almost a million dollars.
On Bitcoin you don't need to be the smartest person in the room, you just need to be humble and patient. On the contrary, people who think they are smarter always end up with less bitcoin.
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