A money that is not limited in amount is not a real money that you can trust to save into because you take the risk of waking up one morning to see that they have created so much money that it becomes worthless, all the time and energy you have spent working for it will go down the river. Your family becomes poorer and you will take more debt to survive, that's why in most economies today everyone lives on debt instead of what they have saved.
On a money system like Bitcoin you only need to work hard and save in it for a few years and you will get enough money to live for the rest of your life, that's just because the money is limited in quantity.
In traditional fiat currencies, governments can print more money at will, which can lead to inflation, devaluation, and ultimately, a loss of trust in the currency. This is often referred to as "inflationary pressure." When there's too much money chasing a limited number of goods and services, prices rise, eroding the purchasing power of individuals.
Here are the qualities of a good money:
1. **Limited supply**: By being capped in quantity, a currency's value becomes more stable and less susceptible to inflationary pressures.
2. **Trust and reliability**: People can trust their savings to maintain purchasing power over time because the risk of devaluation is lower.
3. **Reduced debt reliance**: When individuals have confidence in the money they've saved, they're less likely to take on excessive debt to survive.
4. **Long-term financial security**: In a limited-supply currency system like Bitcoin, individuals can work hard and save for a few years and still enjoy long-term financial stability.
By limiting the supply of a money, you create an environment where:
* Individuals can trust their savings to grow in value over time
* Businesses are less likely to rely on inflationary profits or excessive debt
* The economy is more stable, with prices reflecting real values rather than artificially inflated ones
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