Why Would Iran🇮🇷 Use Bitcoin As A Strategic Reserve And A Way To Transfer Money To Protect Its People


     Many counties like Iran and Russia have been subjects to U.S. Sanctions that prevent them and their innocent citizens from accessing dollars which is very important for them to facilitate trades and commerce with other nations since USD is still considered the world reserve currency. Because of that the population suffer massive lost of economic activity, rise in unemployment, reduction in import and export, food shortages, economic uncertainty, social unrest, currency devaluation and so on. But what if there were a solution to these problems?

   Owning dollars no longer equal to owning your own money anymore since you can be banned from sending or receiving it and it can be taken away from you at moment notice, Russia learnt this the hard way back in 2022 when U.S. froze their US dollar denominated assets, an amount of more than $300Billion, source: "U.S. escalates sanctions with a freeze on Russian central bank assets." Those assets are still not returned to Russia and probably never will. Regardless of if Russia was behaving or not it shouldn't be the case that their money is subject to confiscation and risk the livelihood of their people. It's obvious that we can not go back on using dollars for money nor for trust anymore we need something nobody control including ourselves.

   Bitcoin is an asset without counter party risk meaning nobody else hold it other than you the owner, you don't need to send your bitcoin in a volt in UK or US you can custody it yourself and not only that, but you can also use it for  cross border payments just like Russia is just started to now "Russia is using bitcoin in foreign trade, finance minister says" - Reuters 

    Iran can do the same or at least the business owners since it is the future of money. Bitcoin can help protect your country and its people from sanctions and all its side effects stated above. There is a max supply to it, there will never be more than 21Million bitcoins in circulation, you can audit its supply or verify its supply every 10 min. by running your own node, you can mine it using excess energy like Oil, Uranium, Coal, etc. Since mining Bitcoin also protect you from denial of service attacks that want to prevent you from transacting.