Bitcoin is For Everyone: The homeless, The poor and The rich

  Bitcoin is for everyone the homeless, the poor and the rich

    1. Bitcoin can help the homeless get themselves out of the hole they are in if they just buy a little bitcoin keep it for a long time on a piece of paper, on an email address or just memorize the 12 key words.  These people may not have the luxury of having an iPhone but they can ask a favor to download the money to someone else's smartphone and withdraw the money to change their life. 

    2. Poor people are the first to see the importance of Bitcoin because they work all their lives just so they can't realize any wealth because the current system doesn't work for them, they can't move forward to see any significance progress because all the progress they make is being sucked from them

      That's why if you are born poor you die poor it doesn't matter how hard you work you will see you always going backwards, but with Bitcoin if you are born poor you can change your life if you work hard enough to save on it, because their is no one to steal the wealth you're generating. 

    3. Rich people are the last category of people to understand Bitcoin because they are already too comfortable in their shoes.  They can even turn against Bitcoin, especially if they made their wealth from the legacy banking system that sucks the wealth of the population.  They see Bitcoin as a problem but they still don't understand that Bitcoin is for everyone.  "Everyone is against Bitcoin before they are for bitcoin." - Michael Saylor

    Many rich people can use Bitcoin to stay rich if they don't want to fall down in poverty, because when you're rich, if you don't understand the prevailing currency shift any poor person can replace you during the "wealth transfer" process.

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Note: In case you want to buy the pure bitcoin without counter-party risk for yourself, your kids and your family you can use Bitcoin Well(ref/smile360).