How To Buy Bitcoin For Your Kids Education Savings Plan Through Your Bank Account

    If You live in Canada, USA, Australia, Hong Kong, UK, etc you can now buy Bitcoin ETF directly through your bank account for your child education savings plan. For saving account plans like child education plans it's often impossible to withdraw the money from the bank to invest it somewhere else outside the bank until the child is 18 or at least after the child starts college. So the money is pretty much locked up in the bank during the whole time of the child pre-college years. The Bitcoin ETF gives you the opportunity to get exposure to the Bitcoin upside potential in the meantime while you're waiting without having to confront the bank trying to withdraw the money since they already made it impossible in some countries.

   Here are the easy steps you can follow to help your kids benefit from Bitcoin price appreciations: 

   1. Give a call to your bank tell them you want to transfer your child savings account to an ETF. Don't say Bitcoin at first since they might start lecture you on why the money is better off with them.

  2. They will likely Sell the default investments the bank made with the money to send the cash to a different trading account where you can trade it for the Bitcoin ETF.

   3. If you never made a bank trade before don't worry just give the bank a call again ask them to transfer you to the trade department so they can help you buy an ETF, make sure you have the name of your preferred Bitcoin ETF you want to buy, here are the list globally available Bitcoin ETFs at bitcoin treasuries.

    4. Congratulations now that you're done buying Bitcoin for your kids to guaranty them a better future! You can buy more any time by simply transfer money from your chequing account and execute the trade yourself.

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