How to Save On Bitcoin To Buy A House

  Saving money to buy a house these days can be an unattainable goal in the real world for most people, but Bitcoin can be your best life hack to help you get there. Bitcoin can be better to hold over the long term than a house you're not currently living in(investment property) because it has a better return and it doesn't need expensive maintenance overtime, but it makes a lot of sense to use Bitcoin as the Giga savings vehicle that it is to help you buy a nice house to raise your family.

  The process is pretty simple but the time period has to be at least 5 to 10 years due to possible massive drawdowns, that's why it's important to first study what Bitcoin really is before you put in a dime. Bitcoin is scarce because of its limited supply and its decreasing supply schedule(Supply cut in half every 4years), in contrast to others currencies that have an unlimited supply trending to infinity. Here is the Bitcoin monetary policy that cannot be changed since the genesis block.

      While you may feel safe with your money on the bank account but, they are giving you only 0.01% a year on that money which is only $5 on $10,000 and you're also losing at least 15% through real inflation, that's the rate the currency(dollar or your other fiat) is losing value against valuable things you want to buy like a house.  This is where Bitcoin comes in to rescue your money, Bitcoin has an average return of 50% a year in the pass 5 years. That means you're getting $115,804 over a period of 5 years on only $10,000.00 initial savings, you can do the math here

     The Bitcoin Saving process is very simple: you simply need to buy small portion of bitcoin each time you get paid or when you have some extra cash available for saving. This is called DCA(Dollar Cost Averaging), you can go ahead and try this yourself on this online calculator at DCA BTC set your goal amount, time period and set the amount you can afford on the frequency you can like: daily, weekly or monthly. 

   I hope you found value into this, I had a lot of fun creating it. Success on your Bitcoin savings goals! And I hope you buy a house you and your family enjoy living in.

You may also like these posts: 
1. Bitcoin could be the best savings technology to help you on your first home downpayment
2. Why Bitcoin might be better than investing in real estate

Bitcoin is Not an IQ Test But a Humility Test

  Bitcoin is often viewed as an IQ test, where the smartest investors are expected to thrive. However, the reality is that intelligence alone cannot guarantee success in Bitcoin. Instead, humility is the key to navigating the ups and downs of the Bitcoin journey.

  Many smart people dismiss Bitcoin at first by over satisfying their ego. They either refuse to put in the work to study it or decide to stay completely ignorant about it assuming they already know what it is. Some people want to fix Bitcoin their way on their first arrival and realized that they can't fix it, this also makes them upset. They will say things like "Bitcoin won't work because it does not have elssticity" of course that's a projection from what they have learned in the fiat land where money expension is the status quo. Some people just don't like Bitcoin because it takes away power from the banks and the central banks, of course some of these people also work for these institutions.

  The journey to success in Bitcoin is not solely dependent on intelligence, but rather humility.

Humility allows you to:

- Acknowledge what you don't know,  and understand that Bitcoin is the discovery of money itself. Before Bitcoin everything you've learned about money was potencialy a lie.

- Recognize the limitations of your knowledge and experience, do not try to trade bitcoin using leverage for more money. Don't try to buy altcoins to make more bitcoin it won't work long term.

- Be open to learning and adapting to new information. Put in the work to learn and study what Bitcoin is.

- Avoid the trap of overconfidence and ego

- Make informed decisions based on facts, not emotions

The Bitcoin market is not an IQ test, but a humility test. It requires a willingness to learn, adapt, and evolve. Humility is the key to unlocking success in the Bitcoin space. As the market continues to fluctuate, it's essential to remember that intelligence is not enough; humility is the ultimate currency in the Bitcoin world.

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How To Use Bitcoin Giga Savings tech to Make a Home downpayment

   Many people are trying really hard to save for a house downpayment so they can own their own home but unfortunately house prices keep going up keeping their savings below the 5% - 10% requirement from the banks. Often time these individuals are saving the money on a bank account yielding 0.1% interest rate, that's only $10 a year on $10,000 of saving. Meanwhile house prices are going up 10% a year on average. So a bank saving account clearly doesn't work. But what about other investment? 

   Well some people will go swim in the stock market for some stocks of which they don't fullly understand what the company really does or not knowing how to evaluate these companies that are more often zombie companies destroyimg capitals in virtue signaling projects that cannot be profitable without government money printing or handouts. Everytime you invest into a stock that you don't understand you're doing yourself a disfavor because you're more likely to sell that stock in the wrong time and some time you will sell at lost, which is not going to help you achieving your downpayment savings goal. What else left to try other than bank saving accounts and stocks?

    While this might sound a bit *stupid and risky but still, it could be your best fighting chance on reaching your goal of owning a home one day or even more than a home. You see, we didn't make the world this way we found it like that but that doesn't mean we need to always be a victim renter whose savings are depleting away due to the expansion of the money supply from the banks and central banks, it's a silent theft that most people aren't being aware of even the home owners themselves. They think their home is more valuable because they saw the price went up but no the real value of the house is going down because the house is getting older. Bitcoin is a real way to measure the true value of something, houses and everything else have being crashing against Bitcoin since its inception there is a reason for that. That's because it's the scarcest thing in our known universe a 21 Million hard cap limit that no one can create more of and it's anchored into our real world through physics and energy(mining).


   What does all that have to do with your home downpayment? Well one of the most important thing to know when you're saving for a home is its real rate of inflation if your saving isn't growing faster than the rate the house price you're still under water, that's why you need the fastest horse in the race (something like Bitcoin) that can drive your saving up passing the required amount. Obviously it takes time for Bitcoin to that for you and you first need to understand it very well before you even consider buying a single satoshi. You will find few educational articles in here on this blog or elsewhere. 

  In conclusion, don't waste your time saving your money on a bank account that will yield you nothing. If you want a solution for your house downpayment try something new like Bitcoin and be patient holding it for 5 to 10 years you could surprised what you will be able to buy with your bitcoin. Use this website to calculate the dollar cost averaging return overtime there I calculated buying $10 of Bitcoin every day for 5 years starting 5 years ago would have turned $18,270 into $65,006 (+255%).

If you find this post helpful please share with a friend or a family in desperate need of reaching their savings goals.

Why Bitcoin is a better investment than real estate

     Many people buy houses as an investment strategy to protect their money against inflation or to simply benefit from their upside potencial denominated in the local currency.

   While that strategy might seem to be working in the short term it has it's own downfalls and it's own potencial damages to society. The problem starts with the money losing value overtime due to its abundance or the degree it is being printed out of nothing. This causes people to monetize everything else that was not money, spacially things that are relatively scarce and hard to make more of rapidly. 

   This explains why more people are considering things like houses as a mean to save regardless of how inefficient it is as a saving vehicle. Houses are physical therefore they are subject to decay and damages overtime that often cost a lot of money for repair in order to make them livable. That's why houses cannot be more valueble overtime in real term but, only appear to be going up in the failling currencies they are denominated into.

    Not only your money in your secomd property is not going up fast enough to keep up with the real inflation rate in your local currency but it's also affecting your community in negative ways you couldn't imagine. There is a limited amount of homes in a city/town and when multiple people are accumulating multiple houses as investment vehicles fewer people can afford to buy a house to call their own therefore less pride of ownership in the city, you end-up in a feudalistic system of land-lords or a society of renters. Ofcourse the house owners are not wrong they deserve to own their properties and the all profits coming from them, the problem is the "money" that's being devalued due to it's expension by the banks and central bank.

   Bitcoin is a fix to that specific problem of infinite money printing and it gives you back your property right to save in a money that does not steal from you. If you fix the money then you will fix the world, at least that's the promess of Bitcoin. If you denominate your second house into Bitcoin you will find out that it's crashing in value against bitcoin in an alarming rate, that's because Bitcoin is real money, it has a limited supply of 21 million and expensive to be mined. Here are some facts: Bitcoin's 10-year return on investment (ROI) is 2,546.8% ¹. Here are some key points to know about Bitcoin's ROI in different timeframes:

- 10 years: 2,546.8% ROI ¹

- Five years: 294.1% ROI ¹

- Three years: 160.6% ROI ¹

- One year: 29.54% ROI ¹

- Bitcoin's average annual return from 2010 to 2022 was 1,576% 

   In conclusion, Bitcoin is just better for you if you have any significant amount of money that you want to preserve for the long term. Houses are subject to rent control, taxes, seizure or asset forfeiture, expensive repairs or maintenace, meanwhile Bitcoin is maintenance-free you just set it and forget it for five to 20 years and never have to worry about your insurance company not willing to pay for damages done on your property. Owning Bitcoin is like owning the insurance itself without having to take another loan to do renovations that would enslave you even more to the bankers.

If you find this valuable please consider sharing it with your real estate friends to help them see the Bitcoin light.


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